Fill out my little contact form if you’d like to hang out / take photos / talk nonsense across a cafe table for several hours / have me at your wedding / have me take photos at your wedding / document your family event in photos / document you and your significant other / document yourself in any way you’d like / document yourself outside of your comfort zone / make a Dungeons and Dragons party / learn my photo secrets / share your photo secrets / share your favourite artist / share your work / share your best vegan food recommendation / hire me as your personal photographer / have me out to your event or festival or shindig / have me cook tofu scramble for you / have you cook me your favourite meal / tell me about your favourite hobby / let me capture you undertaking that hobby / tell me about your most prized possession on camera, and get some photos for your trouble / let me interview you (about anything, I’m not fussy) / interview me (about anything, I’m still not fussy) / share your best tea brewing tips / share a beer or a wine or something non-alcoholic is just fine / pitch a matching tattoo that we can get together / have me out to photograph you getting matching tattoos with someone / join me to take photos of the stars / invite me to your full moon party / sit, camera-less and watch the stars together and talk about the infinitely expanding universe and what you see as your place in it - or the things you’d like to achieve before you leave it, or become reincarnated as a praying mantis.
I want to hear it all - very, very specifically from you.
I’ve been curating a few little snaps from my collections to sell as prints. If you’d like to support me financially, in a less-intensive way than having me out to photograph your wedding/birthday/special event/special face, this is a nice thing to do (send me a photo of the art on your walls when it arrives!).
Polaroids of pals, which they’ve signed. It’s a silly pun, it’s a bit of fun. This is my creative peak so enjoy the view (and the gorgeous people).
A new project, launched in early-2023, running until I feel like it shouldn’t: Share the stories of the objects you carry with you and what they mean.
If it’s important to you, I want to hear about it. Everyone is welcome. Any object is fine and dandy with me.
Travel snaps / street photography / portraits / Polaroids / sentimental words about visiting the big apple in 2022 + 2023.
Come for the sweet film pics, stay for the 6000 word love letter to Everyone I Met.
There is NSFW content on this page so please for the love of god heed my warnings before clicking links at work you (lovely) little freak.
Chuck me your email address and name and I’ll contact you directly with an email newsletter, about photos, shoot opportunities, new projects and just things that are ticklin’ my fancy.
I’ve emailed once in eight years (the “welcome to the list!” email) so I can guarantee no spam. At least not yet. But let me mine your data anyway. Zucc won’t be as kind to you as I will.
If you haven’t heard about this by now, I’m clearly not using my marketing skills as well as I should. 1000 portraits, taken over six years, six months and two days (I know, I know).
I’ve finished taking photos for this one! Done! Dusted!
I’m setting up a website to host the images permanently, because social media makes me want to lobotomise myself and managing multiple accounts is too much for my one brain cell.
Turns out uploading 1000 images and captions takes a while. Bear with me. I’m very sleepy.
You best start believing in photo websites - you’re in one.
Have a look around, enjoy some pics or hire me to take your photo!