The three greatest words in existence, strung together to describe a tangible, chewy form of magic.
If this didn’t indicate that I have a bagel tattoo, I don’t know what does.
I came, I saw, I decided “oi how good is this place?” and so I trundled back to the city to see some pals in December 2023 (with a little mosey to France for my best pal’s wedding, and a bus trip to Rhode Island to see a wonderful friend and do some yoga).
So, let’s do this one more time - here’s every single photo I took:
Deciding to shoot just about an entire two month international trip on film which has been a heap of fun and, simultaneously, one of the most financially inadvisable and irresponsible decisions of my long little life.
Help me feel better about the AUD>US conversion rate devastation I have experienced by clicking the buttons below, to view an individual roll, and tell me which photos you like. Fang me a message to tee up a print if you really love a pic.
If you don’t like ‘em, keep it to yourself and catch these fists outside.
Very small, absolutely-unsponsored, shout out - these rolls below were developed and scanned by Bleeker Digital Solutions. I wanted to note this because the quality of your film work depends heavily on who you trust to turn your exposed film into useable images. And Bleeker have treated me oh-so right. If you’re in the city, drop in, tell them I sent ya! Nisha and Anil there are absolute gems.
A little farewell piece to tie a little bow on this trip, a love letter to every cool person I met here, an indulgent, rambling and emotional 2000 word don’t you know, I visited New York piece.
Every single instant photo I took home from this trip, from every single day / night / outing / hangout / coffee / photoshoot / mosey / arm wrestle / dance / campfire.
(This roll developed + scanned by the good folks at Hillvale Photo in Brunswick! My home city fave!)
Ok so if you didn’t get the vibe from the preview image, this page linked below is extremely Not Safe For Work. I think the photos are lovely, and working with Kate was really fantastic!! But for the love of god do not open this page at work.
Rolling offer - if you see yourself in one of my travel photos (here, elsewhere on the webby, on socials, wherever), drop me a line and I’ll tee up a little print for ya as a thank you.